
Spelling to Communicate (S2C) teaches individuals with motor challenges the purposeful motor skills necessary to point to letters to spell as an alternative means of communication (AAC). The goal is to achieve synchrony between the brain and body. We serve autistic individuals ages 3 and older with sensory, movement, and communication differences, enabling them to communicate by teaching spelling to communicate (S2C), by coaching motor skills, by co-regulating, and by presuming competence.

Our services include:

A registered S2C practitioner will work with your new or fluent speller to enable them to access communication through purposeful pointing or typing of letters.

A spelling session is for 1 hour. We work for 45 minutes with your speller, during which the practitioner works on building purposeful motor, sensory, cognitive and regulation goals. We achieve this through lessons that are age-appropriate and engaging. We use visual, auditory, kinesthetic and tactile modalities of engaging the body and mind. The remaining time is used to coach the parent/caregiver to become a communication and regulation partner.

How many sessions a speller takes in a week varies based on family resources and time. We recommend a minimum of 1 session per week. It takes consistent practice to spell with accuracy and fluency.

Our fellowship sessions  are opportunities  for group interaction, teamwork, relationship-building, and learning. Once a speller has settled into their one-on-one spelling sessions we offer them an opportunity to learn, interact and engage with their peers. It provides fluent spellers an opportunity to be mentors, and for new spellers to see what it is to have access to communication. Participants also enjoy the experience  of  working as a team, the dynamics of being in an upbeat and supportive learning environment, building self-confidence, and being paired with different S2C practitioners.

Focus Areas for Exploration in 2024-2025

Areas for exploration are identified by our participants in consultation with each other and are subject to change as their interests evolve.

September: Physics: introduction to the fundamental concepts and principles of physics, covering topics such as classical mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, waves, and optics. Explore how physical laws govern the behavior of matter and energy in the universe.

October: Wizards, Witches & Sorcerers: Delve into the fascinating world of wizards, witches, and sorcerers, exploring their roles in mythology, literature, and popular culture. Examine the historical and cultural origins of magical figures, tracing their evolution from ancient folklore to modern depictions in books, films, and media.

November: The Gold Rush: Explore the historical, economic, and social impact of the Gold Rushes that occurred in the 19th century, including the California Gold Rush, the Klondike Gold Rush, and others. Examine the causes and consequences of these events, including the migration patterns they triggered, the economic booms and busts, and the profound effects on indigenous populations and local ecosystems.

December: Greek Gods & Goddesses: Explore the pantheon of Greek mythology, focusing on the major gods and goddesses of ancient Greece. Study the attributes, myths, and narratives associated with various deities examining their roles in mythological stories and their influence on Greek culture and religion.

January: Authors of great literature:  A study of seminal authors who have significantly shaped the literary canon. Explore the works and biographies of influential writers from various periods and genres, including classical, modern, and contemporary literature. 

February: Art: The dynamics of this course will provide an introduction to the fundamental principles and practices of visual art. Explore a variety of artistic mediums, including drawing, painting, sculpture, and digital art, while developing technical skills and creative expression. The course covers key concepts such as color theory, composition, perspective, and form, as well as an overview of art history

March: Mythological Creatures & Stories: This course explores the fascinating world of mythological creatures and the stories in which they appear, drawing from a variety of cultures and traditions. Examine the origins, symbolism, and cultural significance of legendary beings while reflecting on the values and traditions of the societies that created them.

April: Spellers Choice: Debates and topics of discussion: This course focuses on the art of debate, providing the skills and knowledge necessary to engage in structured, persuasive argumentation and conversation. Spellers will explore the fundamentals of debate and hot topics which will include the construction of logical arguments, effective rebuttals, and the use of evidence to support claims. Spellers will be given the opportunities to practice and participate in the structure and strategy of formal debates.

May: The Vikings: This course offers an in-depth exploration of the Viking Age, focusing on the history, culture, and legacy of the Norse people. Examine the origins of the Vikings, their seafaring expeditions, and their influence across Europe and beyond from the 8th to the 11th centuries. Explore the various aspects of Viking life, including their social structure, religion, warfare, and trade, as well as their impact on the regions they explored, raided, and settled.

June: World’s Top Travel Destinations: This course explores some of the world’s most renowned travel destinations, offering an opportunity to study the history, culture and unique attractions of these iconic locations. Examine what makes these places must-see locations, including their cultural heritage, architectural marvels, culinary traditions, and natural beauty.

July: Living in Space: This course explores the challenges, possibilities, and realities of human life in space. Delve into the science and technology that make space habitation possible, from life support systems and spacecraft design to nutrition, exercise, and health in microgravity. Examine the history of human space exploration, the experiences of astronauts aboard the International Space Station, and future prospects for space colonies on the Moon, Mars, and beyond.

Our discovery and learning studio is a day program for spellers and nonspeaking and minimally speaking autistics that runs all year. It is modeled on an Interdisciplinary Foundation program. The program offers a rotating and varied curriculum that provides knowledge and skills applicable across all disciplines, including topics of general interest, as well as socialization, communication and independence skills and opportunities for integration with the community. Like all our programs, this was developed and designed by our cofounders in collaboration with their allies. The program is aligned with the principles and philosophy of Person-Centered Planning, and spellers, practitioners, and parents are continually working to shape this program to ensure it provides opportunities for nonspeakers that are aligned with their individual needs and aspirations, and to help them discover, learn, and take their place in the world. 

People who would need additional support are encouraged to bring their staff/caregivers with them to the program to enable them to participate more effectively.


    • Book Club, Advocacy in the Communication Access Movement

Fitness and Wellness

    • Yoga and Mindfulness with Melissa Chen
    • Movement and Fitness with Matt Geib
    • Group physical and occupational therapy at United Athletics Group, to work on ocular motor skills and hand, body and eye integration
    • Hiking and outdoor activities 


    • Establishing routines and strategies that de-escalate heightened sensory and emotional situations.
    • Game - time, and other activities that provide necessary space and opportunities to recharge.


    • Culinary arts developing into a community offering.
    • Documentary Filmmaking

Field Studies

    • Experiences, case studies and projects in the world outside.  Ex: Working with the New York Public Library on the Billion Oysters Project.

We work within the framework of your one-on-one coaching session with your speller to get you to be a fluent communication and regulation partner. Our coaching includes:

Foundations in S2C covering core concepts that define this practice

Techniques used in S2C practice, with ongoing coaching where you get to work with your child under the mentorship of a registered S2C practitioner.

CrimsonRise leaders and cofounders have expertise in establishing organizations both nonprofit and for profit. Our expertise ranges from:

Organization includes governance, strategic planning, business planning, establishment as a legal entity, recruitment of C-Suite staff, coaching and succession planning.

Development includes program design, curriculum development, staffing, training, mentoring and coaching.

For spellers who want to start S2C or improve skills our Out of Town intensive sessions allow spellers access to intensive one-on-one coaching for S2C. In addition, options to join in with speller groups in The Studio or Fellowship will be available.

CrimsonRise Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
@CrimsonRise Inc. All rights reserved 2021.
Communication access is provided through the use of Spelling to Communicate (S2C). S2C is a method that teaches the purposeful motor to point to letters on a letter board or keyboard to enable people without speech to communicate.